The art of drinking and serving tea is an important and special event in China. It is a time to relax and enjoy the taste and the smell of the tea.
The Chinese tea ceremony is all about the tea.
The smells and taste are the most important parts of the ceremony, so the rules for making and pouring the tea are not always the same.
分享UKTEA&INFUSIONS网站关于茶文化的系列文章之一,原文名为《Chinese Tea Ceremonies》。文章短小精炼,虽然没有文化历史的深度加持,但以老外的视角来看,也直截了当。
In most areas of China the tea is made in small clay teapots. The pot is rinsed with boiling water and then the tea leaves are added to the pot using a bamboo scoop. The tea leaves are rinsed in hot water in the pot and then hot water is added to the leaves to make the tea.(中国大部分地区用小的泥壶泡茶。先热水净壶,再用竹勺拨些许茶叶放入。洗茶后,倒入热水冲泡。)
The temperature of the water is important. It needs to be hot but if it is too hot it can spoil the taste. (水温很关键。水温要高但不能过高,否则会破坏滋味。)
The art of preparing and making tea is called Cha Dao.(这种准备和冲泡茶的艺术被称之为茶道。)
In less than a minute, the server pours the tea into small narrow cups but he doesn t pour one cup at a time. Instead the cups are arranged in a circle and the server pours the tea in all of them in one go. (冲泡时间不到一分钟时,奉茶人将泡好的茶倒进小而细长的杯子(注:也可以直接翻译成闻香杯),但不能一次只倒一杯;相反,这些杯子摆成一圈,需先后都倒入茶。)
He fills the cups just over half way. The Chinese believe that the rest of the cup is filled with friendship and affection. (茶只倒半杯多,因为中国人相信留白处是情谊。)(注:也可以直接理解为茶倒七分满,留三分是情谊。)
The server passes a cup to each guest and invites him or her to smell the tea first. You should thank him by tapping on the table three times with your finger. Next each guest pours their tea into a drinking cup and they are asked to smell the empty narrow cup. Finally they drink the tea. (奉茶人把闻香杯依次传给宾客,请他们先闻香,而宾客则用手指敲三下桌面以示感谢。接着,宾客把闻香杯中的茶倒入品茗杯,细闻空杯香后再品饮。)
It is most polite to empty the cup in three swallows. (最礼貌的喝法是一杯茶分三口喝完。)
另一篇茶文化的英文表达,比今天这篇更详尽一些,可点击:茶相关的几个英语表达 - 茶文化
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